Dear Inner Circle,

Here’s hoping we don’t get a severe fire season next summer because I fear the response of our government will be to disband the fire brigade. It is true that whenever we have fires, those pesky red trucks show up and I’m pretty sure that if we could stop the trucks, we’d solve the problem of fires. While I’m solving the country’s problems, have you considered how hospitals are a black hole for money? Have you seen the way these things attract sick people? They are a veritable honey pot for the sick and by building them, we’re sending the wrong message to the public. Ambulance drivers are akin to people smugglers, making a living on the back of people’s suffering. Surely if we could stop the ambulances, the sick would think twice before flocking to hospitals. Really it should be we who decides who will be sick and the manner in which they will be treated. I can hear the slogans of our next election, stop the boats, stop the firetrucks, stop the ambulances. OK, I’m being stupid but I’m hoping that by laughing, we might see how pathetic is the behaviour of our country in the face of so many people perishing at sea.

A young man, a warmly dressed and articulate fellow with the loveliest face, told me this week that it was addiction that put him on the street. He’s fighting the addiction and it’s a daily struggle. Last week he took all of his money and gave it to World Vision for their work in Nepal. He’d rather starve himself than throw his money away on his wretched addiction. What a struggle and what a beautiful heart is revealed, fighting for life and survival.

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